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开发者如何在LG TV上测试自己APP的教程【WebOS在LG TV重生】


写这篇文章是估计自己可能会用得到,比较喜欢LG 49UB8800这款电视机,系统是webos的,当然,忽然想到了自己那台用了不到10次的HP Touchpad心里就好难过,这次的主角是LG的WebOS智能电视,所以,不多废话了,直接写过程吧,因为广电总局封杀浏览器,所以最好不要升级,要不浏览器就被阉割掉了。

首先进入 Developer site ( > Resource Center > Smart TV > Test > App Test 菜单,登陆。


  1. In App Test page, click New App Test.
  2. Enter the basic information. 




    App Title

    Enter alphanumeric characters for the application title.

    The title should be lesser than 100 characters long.

    App TypeSelect Web.
    For Sub Type; 

    If you are not a partner with LG, select All for Sub Type.

    If you are a partner with LG, follow this guideline for Sub Type. If you cannot sure the app types, contact your LGE person in charge and select the guided Sub Type.

    All : All web apps except following specific apps.
    M14+ : M14+ chipset-targeted web apps.
    H15 : H15 chipset-targeted web apps.
    LM15U : LM15U chipset-targeted web apps.

    LM14A : LM14A chipset-targeted web apps

    File Upload
    • URL
      Enter "index.html". 
    • File Upload
      Select the app file to upload. The file extension must be .ipk.  
    The ID in appinfo.json should be unique. If another user already has uploaded an app file with the app ID you want to use, the app file cannot be uploaded in App Test page.
    App IconSelect app icon file.
    Available types: JPG, GIF, PNG.


  3. Click Save. If you click Cancel, the page goes back to the App Test main page.
  4. Uploaded app information page displays the following information.
    •Ÿ File Basic Information: The uploaded file name and app icon image are displayed.
    • ŸDownload DRM applied file: [Terms and Conditions] and Download button.
  5. You can download the DRM-packed file on USB by clicking Download button.


  1. Create /developer/apps/usr/palm/applications folder in USB. 
  2. In App Test page, select the app to deploy on webOS TV and download the DRM-packaged app file (.zip) on your computer. Then, unzip it.
  3. You will see a folder named with app ID, for example "". Copy this folder under /developer/apps/usr/palm/applications folder in USB.


  1. Sign in to the TV with your TV Account. This account is different from LG Developer Site’s account.
    Register at either TV or
    In webOS TV, go to Settings > General > Account Management or Settings > Quick Settings > Account Management to register or sign in.
  2. Insert the USB into TV.
  3. When the SmartShare popup appears, click X or wait for the popup to disappear.
  4. You can see the app is displayed on Launcher at 9th position in the list.
  5. Click the app and test the application on TV.